[TR] TR3 help needed now- resolution

Paul Dorsey dorpaul at negia.net
Tue Jan 8 19:10:06 MST 2008

Yesterday, I asked for some help determining if I had installed my centre tie
rod upside down and turned-around.  Because of a neighbor on this list, thank
goodness, Ray M., I was shown pictures of this part during a rebuild.  John
Gillis also sent a confirming picture, which was also consistent with Ray's
    Some responses were 'tangential'.  John H. sent me an email saying,
"install it with the drain holes up."  I really didn't put much stock at all
in his answer.  As it turns out the 2 holes do go up higher, (So that the bar
between the holes runs below the two holes!)
    This possibly removes some confusion when taking it to a machinist, as I
did, to press out and with orders to reinstall the silent blocs.  Tonight I
took pictures of how it might look if the silent blocs were installed
correctly, and pictures of how it would look if they were installed upside
down. (I can send you those pics).  Although the difference would proably be
felt in the steering, their 'orientation appearance' is strikingly similar!!
It's very true, "THE HOLES DO GO ON TOP".  But John, their not 'drain holes',
the outer tie rods go in them!

Paul Dorsey
60 TR3

p.s.  The manual's diagram shows this, but is RHD and not true to scale and
depth challenging!

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