[TR] Frame Paint

ATT Yahoo Mail-rgt2 rgt2 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 14 10:29:54 MST 2008

I used the frame paint kit from Eastwood that Bob mentions.  I found it to 
be very easy to apply and very durable.

Rod Trunnell
62 TR3B TCF1037l

From: "Bob" <yellowtr at adelphia.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 7:51 AM
To: <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] Frame Paint

> On Sunday 14 December 2008 09:45:32 marty sukey wrote:
>> Got the TR4A/TR250/TR6 frame back from the sandblasters this week and and
>> getting ready to have at it. What have you folks used for frame paint 
>> that
>> you have liked (or didn't like).
>> Thanks,
>> Marty
> Marty,
> I just got a frame paint kit from Eastwood for the 6 project as it was on
> sale.
> Here is a
> link.http://www.eastwoodco.com/jump.jsp?itemID=23497&itemType=PRODUCT
> I will use this paint on the 6 frame this spring after the sand blasting 
> is
> finished.
> Sounds like a good product but since I havent tried it yet I cant say for 
> sure
> if it is worth the extra $.
> In the past I have used rustoleum primer (red), (gray) and then the final 
> coat
> of glossy black.
> So far that is working out ok but I dont drive in the snow and try to 
> avoid
> rain.
> Both my 3 and 4 frames were sandblasted.
> Bob
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