[TR] Stator Tube Umbrellas

dorpaul dorpaul at bellsouth.net
Mon Apr 7 19:58:21 MDT 2008

A big thanks to Andy Dixon for dissassembling my control head and putting it
in order.  I commented that my hands shook and he stepped forward and said
he'd fix it, and I am grateful.  I owe so much to many folks on this list,
Thank you.

I thought installing my repaired control head, would be a piece of cake.
Wrong!  Today after reinstalling my inner steering column I sought to push the
empty stator tube up the inner steering column.  The workshop manual says to
insert the stator tube up thru the steering box end.  The first 18" of the
stator tube was ok, then I came to one of those two strange-accordian-looking
spinning sleeve/ collars mounted on top and around the stator tube.  There's
one on each end of the stator tube (about 18" from each end, each one is only
about 1 1/2" long), and there held in place by small projections on the stator
tube so they will not travel closer to the stator tube's end.  I don't see the
reason for these two 'party-hat sleeve/collars'.  Anyway, the problem they
present is that the stator tube itself is a snug fit inside the inner steering
column, but, these 'sleeves' don't want to go inside the inner steering
column, especially where the projections are and where the accordian looking
slits are.  I've even tried gently tapping the stator tube's end with no
    The manual states that the upmost stator tube opening should be at 12
o'clock so this pretty much dictates where along the perimeter of the stator
tube that these 'projections' are.
    Please somebody, tell me how to deal with these two 'compression
sleeve/collars' or should I just grind them off?

Thanks, Paul Dorsey  60 TR3A

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