[TR] Storing parts

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Sat Sep 15 17:40:31 MDT 2007

> Any chemists out there 
> know  whether or not 
> this is a spontaneous incendiary device waiting to happen.

I'm no chemist; but I suspect the answer depends on the physical
configuration.  Paper + oil will spontaneously combust under some
circumstances, due to self-heating as the oil oxidizes.  But it has to be in
a configuration where the paper can get hot enough to ignite, which usually
means a sizeable pile where the outer layers serve as insulation for the
inner layers (but allow enough air through to support the oxidation).  

Most likely, with just a few layers wrapped around a non-flammable (and heat
conductive) item, you won't have a problem.

Of course, if something else happens, and your insurance agent learns of the
"fire hazard" you deliberately created, it may not matter exactly what the
problem was !


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