[TR] PLASTIC 'beehive' stand-alone unit

Paul Dorsey dorpaul at negia.net
Tue Sep 4 07:03:04 MDT 2007

NAPA part 1001D is a complete independant taillight with a 90% identical but
(PLASTIC) 'beehive lens' for a TR3.  This unit has both lens and mounting base
and is the correct size and styling for a TR3's (other model or makes?),
however, the len's plastic flanges are different and will not interchange.  I
believe they come in red and amber and cost about $6.  They would proably be
ideal for making a 'period-styled' third-brake-light or
suction-cup-turn-signal (rather than the 3" round thing-but would be slightly
smaller).  I had hoped to mount them on my rollbar if Georgia law allows me.

Paul Dorsey
60 TR3A

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