[TR] TR3 Ribbed or Smooth Letters

zoboherald at aol.com zoboherald at aol.com
Wed Oct 31 19:50:58 MST 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: Randall <tr3driver at ca.rr.com>

> I must respectfully disagree with the TRA Judging Guide if
> that's what
> it says.

Actually, the copy I have handy says only that smooth letters should 
not be
on cars before TS50000.  That jives with my (dim) memory, that the two
different styles were fitted essentially at random for a long time.

I've never totally bought into the legend that random piles of parts 
lay around waiting to be randomly placed on cars coming down the 
assembly line. ;-) But since S-T didn't use the smooth TRIUMPH letters 
on anything else until the early 1959 introduction of the Herald, I'd 
have to assume that those letters couldn't have appeared on TRs much 
earlier than that. From that point forward, I suppose it's possible 
that the smooth letters could have appeared at any time, but I'd also 
assume that there was a pretty good supply of ribbed letters.

Anyway, and for whatever it's worth, I do have a late edition of the 
factory "Triumph Sports Car 20 TR2,3 & 3A Models" Spare Parts Catalog 
that does show ribbed letters (part numbers 703036-42) from TS22014 as 
expected. It also lists the smooth letters (part numbers 703862-8) but 
gives no "From Comm. No.". (And yes, this SPC is late enough to list 
the post TS60000 changed body panels and such!)

--Andy  Mace

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*Man: Well, no ... It's not so  much of a jet, it's more your, er, 
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