[TR] VTR 2007 SE & Triumph Trans America

Glenn A. Merrell StagByTriumph at tscusa.org
Tue Oct 16 20:32:13 MDT 2007

To the event planners at VTRSE 2007 - would any of you be willing to 
present the Power Point presentation on the Triumph Trans America 2009 
Charity Run at the Awards Banquet?  The presentation is self 
explanatory, I have it ready to email, and I or John can review it in a 
few minutes on the phone.

Email to stagbytriumph at tscusa.org, Skype to stagbytriumph, or call me at 
303-665-6040 (h) or 303-817-8559 cell.


Glenn A. Merrell
Chairman, Triumph Stag Club USA (2007-2009)
The best trophies are miles on the odometer, stone chips in the paint, dead bugs on the windshield!

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