[TR] Saturday: ABRR Kid's Charity Run - Will You Help?
Blake J. Discher
bdischer at blakedischer.com
Wed Oct 3 19:08:50 MDT 2007
Hi everyone,
Come Saturday, 25 British cars will begin the fifth annual "America's
British Reliability Run." This year there will be two groups participating
in two different locations. One group will participate in the Wisconsin
run, driving 800 miles in two days through Wisconsin, Minnesota and
Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Another group will drive the Ohio run, again
driving 800 miles in two days through Ohio, Virginia and Maryland. In the
four years the run has taken place, it has raised more than $110,000 for
children's charities!
To date, donations are behind last year, at just under $13,000. I realize
the economy hasn't been so great lately, but this is when I ask you to
contribute to this year's partner children's charities. The slow-down in
our economy has hit most charities hard too, limiting the good works they
are able to do. The charity for the Wisconsin run is the Center for Blind &
Visually Impaired Children. The Center offers a coordinated program of
educational intervention and prescribed therapies to infants and toddlers
who are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional
disabilities. You can learn more about this organization at their website:
http://www.cbvic.org/. At the end of this run we'll all park our cars at
the Center for an "It's OK to Touch" car show for the visually impaired
The charity for the Ohio run is Adventures for Wishkids, whose mission is to
enrich the lives of children with life threatening illnesses and their
families by providing year round, fun-filled group activities and
destination events, fostering joy, laughter, normalcy and supportive
networking opportunities. Their adventures are unique opportunities to spend
quality family time in a fun-filled group activity or destination event
outside the hospital. Even when children are sick and in the hospital, they
have something to look forward to . the next great adventure! Again, you can
learn more at their website: http://www.afwkids.org/.
One hundred percent of your donation goes to the charity, teams pay their
own expenses out of pocket. In fact, your donation is made directly to the
charity of your choice. Please help as you can - every little bit counts,
and we welcome contributions large and small! You can donate by visiting
the secure server site provided by our corporate sponsor, the Little British
Car Company. Just follow this link:
https://securemg.ipl.co.uk/lbcarco/mibrr.html to donate safely and securely
online. If you'd like, you can specify which car you're cheering for by
checking all the registered cars on the event web site: http://www.abrr.org.
Choose from MGs, Triumphs, Minis, Austins, an Astin Martin, or a Bentley!
(Hemmings Sports & Exotic Cars Magazine is fielding a Triumph Spitfire!)
But it's the total monies raised that is important, and not which team gets
the most pledges! You will receive a receipt via US Post, and remember,
your contribution is tax deductible.
Thank you in advance for your help. I will let everyone know how we did
soon after the run.
Blake Discher, Event Organizer
America's British Reliability Run
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