[TR] Connecting red wire on Pertronix

John Mitchell jmitch at snet.net
Sun Nov 4 19:52:54 MST 2007

Your correct Randall, not enough juice at that lead.  I tried the 
headlight and nothing.  I guess it will have to be at the fuse box.  
Thanks so much.  John Mitchell  76 TR6

Randall wrote:
>> It is easy to determine 
>> by connecting a probe light or Volt meter to the oil pressure 
>> switch (or any other point you want to test) and turn on the 
>> ignition.  If the probe light illuminates or you get a 12 V. 
>> reading on your meter, that should work.
> There is a problem with that approach (which I suspect is exactly what John
> has done).  The problem is that you don't know how much resistance is in
> that circuit, and the Pertronix requires a low-resistance source of power.
> In fact, the original coil wire will pass the above test.
> So if you want to do it that way, use a relatively high power load (like an
> old headlight bulb) to test the circuit, then check how much voltage you
> get.  If you can get 12v with a headlight bulb lit from it, it's low enough
> resistance to power the Pertronix.

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