[Tigers] FW: WANTED: Original Battery Terminal Clamp(s)

jim jim at island.net
Sun Nov 14 18:55:32 MST 2021



This one could work if you filed the bolt bosses off and filled the holes with solder ( or brass braze ??






From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> > On Behalf Of jimdamelio via Tigers
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2021 5:41 PM
To: Ramon Spontelli <rspontelli at earthlink.net <mailto:rspontelli at earthlink.net> >; chris at cthompson.net <mailto:chris at cthompson.net> 
Cc: Tiger List <tigers at Autox.Team.Net <mailto:tigers at Autox.Team.Net> >
Subject: Re: [Tigers] WANTED: Original Battery Terminal Clamp(s)


Those are like the ones I got on my trip to England in 2019.  The have a raised block section with the 'P' and or 'N' engraved in that.




Sent from my Galaxy



-------- Original message --------

From: Ramon Spontelli via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers at autox.team.net> > 

Date: 11/14/21 7:43 PM (GMT-05:00) 

To: chris at cthompson.net <mailto:chris at cthompson.net>  

Cc: Tiger List <tigers at Autox.Team.Net <mailto:tigers at Autox.Team.Net> > 

Subject: Re: [Tigers] WANTED: Original Battery Terminal Clamp(s) 




You probably want to hold off on that.


It appears I was WRONG in my description of what I got from Vincent.  I have not installed the negative cable on the Mk II yet, so I dug it out of the shed this afternoon for a close-up look-see.  The letter “N” is NOT raised.  It looks raised in the photographs, and from across the room, but close up, it appears to be cast into a raised pedestal on the top of the terminal.


I remain delighted with it, and am glad to have it, and the positive terminal as well. But they are clearly not “proper” for a stock application.


Im sorry I got everybody excited about a thing that isn’t.






On Nov 14, 2021, at 3:00 PM, Chris Thompson <chris at cthompson.net <mailto:chris at cthompson.net> > wrote:


I sent mail to Vincent asking if he could make some more Tiger cables.  I just got a message back from Vincent:

Sure.  We'd be happy to if I can source the correct parts.  We got lucky finding those terminals. I'll check on Monday.

I just sent him mail saying that we're really looking for the positive cable having the raised P as well. It doesn't sound like he's making them.



On 11/14/2021 1:46 PM, Ron Fraser via Tigers wrote:

To all


Interesting info on soldering battery cable here using solder slugs



You tube video


Ron Fraser



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