[Tigers] WANTED: Original Battery Terminal Clamp(s)

Ramon Spontelli rspontelli at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 13 20:54:07 MST 2021

<< You might possibly TIG Braze a raised P onto the stamped P clamp. >>

Oh my . . . My oh my . . .

Talk to Vincent at Custom Battery Cables in Apache Junction, Arizona:

Vince at custombatterycables.com

Custom Battery Cables, LLC
2288 S. Idaho Rd., Suite #2
Apache Junction, AZ 85119



I found them last year when I was looking for a negative cable for the Mk II.  It came to us with an aftermarket cable in 1985, and it always bugged me greatly.  I sent them pictures of the Mk I cable, along with the length.  I was looking for a new braided cable.  Told them about the raised letter “N” on battery connector/terminal, and said it would be cool if they could duplicate that, but it wasn’t all that important.  

When they came up with a terminal with the raised letter “N,”  I asked them about a positive terminal as well.  The positive terminal on our Mk I succumbed to the corrosion worm years ago.  They came up with a terminal with the raised letter “P” as well. 

They do a very brisk commercial business, but look at little stuff like ours as a welcome relief from the day-in/day-out drudgery of filling orders for hundreds of same/same cables.  If you are not too impatient, they will help you out.

I bought a complete negative/ground cable for the Mk II and a positive connector for the Mk I.  Had to buy a really-really BIG soldering iron to attach the positive connector to the Mk I cable, but it worked out well.  They’ll  build a complete cable for you—any length--if that’s what you want/need.


On Nov 11, 2021, at 11:00 AM, tigers-request at autox.team.net wrote:

You might possibly TIG Braze a raised P onto the stamped P clamp.

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