[Tigers] WANTED: Original Battery Terminal Clamp(s)

James Lindner jliny5 at cox.net
Tue Nov 9 14:41:22 MST 2021


I just figured I could attach the clamp to the existing cable…cut off the existing (incorrect) clamp and attach the correct one (crimp? solder?). British Wiring sells individual clamps separately so I thought this was possible. Am I incorrect?


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> On Nov 9, 2021, at 4:29 PM, Will Seay <Tigers at embarqmail.com> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, Jim, how do you expect to attach the cable to the clamp?  The OEM cable is a single piece that goes from the battery in the trunk to the starter solenoid in the lower right rear of the engine compartment.  That's a long cable.  Unless it's made specifically for the Tiger, you aren't likely to find it.  That said, some time ago I saw a repro of the Tiger battery cable on Ebay.  Don't know if it had the correct "P" or not.  And sorry, don't have any contact info for the vendor.
> Will - 382001570 
> Tigers at embarqmail.com
>> On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 3:28 PM James Lindner via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am looking for an original Battery Terminal Clamp. I need the Positive (P) clamp. I will take the N and P clamps, if necessary, although I have my original N clamp and strap. I have posted this same Wanted message to the CAT Forum and TEAE FB page without success. There are some aftermarket ones out there that are close but the P/N are stamped, as opposed to being cast.
>> Any out there?
>> Thanks
>> Jim
>> Sent from my iPad
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