[Tigers] tool kit metal plate on trunk floor

James Armstrong rollright at aol.com
Sun Nov 7 09:02:31 MST 2021

 I am nearly done removing the black asphalt-like substance that the FPO used to cover a patch panel in theextreme right rear of the car.trunk floor. Sadly he painted the rest of the trunk in the pitch-like black s*it. He removed all the jack/handle clips but also the piece of metal(?) that held the tool roll fixing strap.Having never seen the metal piece or the strap, would someone be so kind as to describe the metal piece, dimensionally if possible, and the strap/buckle. Over the years, I put together a complete tool roll and have all clips when the trunk is done and in paint. And what is the color of the tool-roll fixing plate when finally installed? I don't know what I'd do without you folks, really. Jim ArmstrongMk 1A382002083 LRXFECode 86TAC # 0763
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