[Tigers] 90 degree oil filter adaptor

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Sat Jul 3 15:07:48 MDT 2021

	Yes, the PH3600 filter fits - you may need to position angle of the
filter adaptor a little for best clearance.

The engine block was made by Ford at the Cleveland Foundry, therefore the
fitting thread should be an SAE standard pipe thread unless someone buggered
it up.
Best guess 1/4" pipe thread

9151205	adaptor - pipe to block		oil gauge
The 9151205 indicates it is a British supplied part not a Ford supplied

I don't know if there is any info available about this part.

My Ford Master Parts Catalog lists C20Z-9B339-A for the USA part - that part
would only give you the thread size - it is not the Tiger part.

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Lawell <tlawell at austin.rr.com> 
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2021 3:37 PM
To: Ron Fraser <rfraser at bluefrog.com>
Cc: tigers at Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] 90 degree oil filter adaptor

Hi Ron,

  It turns out Summit had the right adapter for the kit, the sales person
just didn't know it. They have sent the adapter to me and it fits correctly
in the block as well as in the kit. The only problem was the oil filter they
sent me was incorrect - it hits up against the oil pan. 
Is it the ph3600 that is slimmer and fits that kit?
  I also found another problem - the oil line from the oil pressure gauge
was cracked and leaking. when I disconnected the oil line fitting, I also
took off the fitting that goes into the block. It was very difficult to get
off and I am concerned that someone either put a fitting in there with the
wrong threads or stripped the threads when they installed it. Do you know
what size those threads are? It appears to be a british standard pipe
thread. I had to use whitworth wrenches to get both the pressure fitting nut
and the fitting to the block off. Any info on these fittings would be much

Cheers, Terry

On 7/3/21, 7:45 AM, Ron Fraser wrote:
> Terry
> 	1st -  I would contact Summit to make sure that oil filter kit did 
> not come with an adaptor or if it is missing from your kit.
> 2nd -  does Summit have the adaptor needed for this kit?
> C20Z 6890-C seems to be the Ford part number for the adaptor - 3/4 x16 
> thread and 1 1/16 x 12 thread You need to check that this is correct 
> for your oil filter kit.
> https://www.npdlink.com/search/products?search_terms=fitting%2Boil%2Bf
> ilter&
> top_parent=200001&year=
> see if 6890-A is the part you need.
> Ron Fraser
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Terry Lawell 
> via Tigers
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2021 8:34 PM
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Tigers] 90 degree oil filter adaptor
> I purchased a 90 degree oil filter adapter from Summit Racing and when 
> it arrived I realized it did not have the adapter for the block, 
> though the salesman told me it came with it. Does anyone know where I 
> can get the adapter? I think it is 1.16" threads to the block and 
> 13/16" threads to the adapter.
> Cheers, Terry
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