[Tigers] trunk floor tool fistening clips

Will Seay Tigers at embarqmail.com
Tue Dec 7 18:27:58 MST 2021

Here's a picture that I had of the trunk layout.  The picture doesn't show
the last (large) clip at the end of the jack (off to the right).
Hint:  if you're restoring the clips, after you paint them (black), dip
each in black Plasti Dip.  Should look and work as factory.

Will - 382001570
Tigers at embarqmail.com

On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 6:56 PM James Armstrong via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> From the pictures that I've got, there appears to be 6 clips that fasten
> the lug wrench and the jack to the trunk floor.
> I'm in possession of (4) small clips, (2) medium, and one large clip.
> Where do they go, on which tool and so on? Help!
> Jim Armstrong
> Mk 1A
> 382002083 LRXFE
> Code 86
> TAC # 0763
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