[Tigers] hood hinges

Tom Parker tkparker1941 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 13:02:06 MST 2019

My Mark 2 has identical bonnet hinges; the boot hinges are mirror images; 1
Rt., 1 L.

Tigers United has Tiger and Alpine parts lists on their site, you can check
the part numbers there.
www.tigersunited.com under "Rootes Resources."

Tom '67 Mark 2

On Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 2:53 PM Richard Hyatt via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> HI,
> I understand there is to be a left and right hood hinge. My car, an early
> 1A ( 1966 model assembled in 1965) seems to have been assembled with two
> identical hinges. In looking at 2  Series 5 Alpines I have they are the
> same…both identical hinges. I have a set of hinges from a wreck series 4
> and they have opposite offset bolt pattern where the two bolts reside. What
> gives here? Since my car has some round corners and some square on hood,
> trunk and doors the assumption is that they were grabbing any leftover
> parts at the beginning of the series 1A that ultimately became square
> corner. I wonder if the same applies to some hood hinges. Any ideas on this?
> Rick
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