[Tigers] Tiger side moulding fasteners more information

John Watertor h2otor at aol.com
Thu Nov 14 10:46:33 MST 2019

  I had to dig out the plastic tub of tiger parts stored it the lower level of the house that I haven't  be in for the last 30 years. Still had some interesting items that I had forgot about. None of which are for sale. When the tiger dealers could not get any cars any more the dealers closed up shop. I went to a dealer to buy things I might need for the car. I bought a sunbeam hard top for $150.00, a set of brake hoses, and a package of two cloth wrapped, yellow striped, pre cut brake vacuum hose. There was two in the package and he said if he opened the package and took one out he could not return them for credit. I had almost  zero vacuum at the servo unit.  I took the carb off to access the  hosefitting and when I removed the vacuum hose the gas vapors had swelled the hose almost shut. Just cut about 2" off the hose and used the old one. Also later when I needed parts I send a order to the Rootes ware house in New Jersey.From the ware house I got a bumper, head light rims , upper and lower ball joints, side moulding fasteners and other parts until they closed and the after market part supplies become available.
Need to correct the information I sent earlier to the list. I found the metal side moulding  rivets which had a flange edge to hold the side mouldings. The Rootes plastic bag has part number 2232727 qty 10 and number E 1 (or l)  70.Need to get my son in law to come over and take a picture of the side moulding fasteners and the J. A Pearce rims. Can I send the pictures to Ron Fraser as I don't know how to place them on the form and maybe he will get them on the list for every can view them. B9470515 had the metal rivets for the side mouldings.John Watertor 

Today's Topics:

  1. Re: side moulding fasteners reply John Watertor (John Watertor)
  2. Re: side moulding fasteners reply John Watertor (Ron Fraser)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 23:43:16 +0000 (UTC)
From: John Watertor <h2otor at aol.com>
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] side moulding fasteners reply John Watertor
Message-ID: <1000739199.397178.1572738196253 at mail.yahoo.com>
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Don't know if I sent this reply to you correctly?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Watertor <h2otor at aol.com>
To: tigers-request <tigers-request at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wed, Oct 30, 2019 2:41 pm
Subject: side moulding fasteners reply John Watertor

In regards to the Tiger side moulding fasteners
The 7096040 clip (40 required ) These were metal rivets with the head sticking out of the body which was round to snap into the chrome side moulding. I needed some many years ago and purchased a plastic packageof them from Rootes with 9 in the package. I used 3 of them and still have 6 left some where in the house, that I haven't seen in years. Some one had 5 or 6 for sale on E-bay several years ago, but I did not want?to pay $5 or $6 each for them. When I had my Tiger painted I had the body man grind them off because the problem of sanding off the old paint and repainting the car. I replaced them with the plastic fastenersfrom the after market parts dealers and are still on the car.
The 7208008 fixing stud (6) my guess is the 1/8" square head threaded stud to clamp the chrome side molding to the body. There was one at the front of the front moulding, one on the door, I don't remember? where?it was located and one on the back of the back moulding. I twisted mine off while removing them and had to make the replacements by cutting a 1/8" square brass plate from sheet brass, drilling a hole thru, going?to the local hobby shop and buying the small bolts and then soldering? the head of the bolt to the 1/8" brass plate.
My guess the 7208009 (6) sealing bush is a rubber washer to seal the above fixing stud on assembly.
Don't remember using any 7208029 (6)? thread cutting fasteners.
John Watertor
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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 11:42:29 -0500
From: "Ron Fraser" <rfraser at bluefrog.com>
To: "'John Watertor'" <h2otor at aol.com>
Cc: <tigers at Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] side moulding fasteners reply John Watertor
Message-ID: <001101d59265$b019f120$104dd360$@bluefrog.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


                Thank you for your information.  I don?t think I have ever seen any of the original parts and I?m curious about them.

I bought parts from Sunbeam Specialties to install my side mouldings.  I made a few threaded fasteners to give a more positive clamp force.

So far the indications are that the parts are from the Imp line due to the starting # of 7 of the part numbers.

I?m also thinking the 7208029 thread cutting fastener was an optional fastener.

The number of fasteners did not add up ? 46 are needed but the parts list indicated 52 ? that is why I think the thread cutter was optional.

I?m still hoping to see picture of the original parts.

Ron Fraser

From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of John Watertor via Tigers
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2019 7:43 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] side moulding fasteners reply John Watertor

-----Original Message-----
From: John Watertor <h2otor at aol.com <mailto:h2otor at aol.com> >
To: tigers-request <tigers-request at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers-request at autox.team.net> >
Sent: Wed, Oct 30, 2019 2:41 pm
Subject: side moulding fasteners reply John Watertor

In regards to the Tiger side moulding fasteners

The 7096040 clip (40 required ) These were metal rivets with the head sticking out of the body which was round to snap into the chrome side moulding. I needed some many years ago and purchased a plastic package

of them from Rootes with 9 in the package. I used 3 of them and still have 6 left some where in the house, that I haven't seen in years. Some one had 5 or 6 for sale on E-bay several years ago, but I did not want

to pay $5 or $6 each for them. When I had my Tiger painted I had the body man grind them off because the problem of sanding off the old paint and repainting the car. I replaced them with the plastic fasteners

from the after market parts dealers and are still on the car.

The 7208008 fixing stud (6) my guess is the 1/8" square head threaded stud to clamp the chrome side molding to the body. There was one at the front of the front moulding, one on the door, I don't remember  where

it was located and one on the back of the back moulding. I twisted mine off while removing them and had to make the replacements by cutting a 1/8" square brass plate from sheet brass, drilling a hole thru, going

to the local hobby shop and buying the small bolts and then soldering  the head of the bolt to the 1/8" brass plate.

My guess the 7208009 (6) sealing bush is a rubber washer to seal the above fixing stud on assembly.

Don't remember using any 7208029 (6)  thread cutting fasteners.

John Watertor

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