[Tigers] filling gas tank
Gary Winblad
garywinblad at comcast.net
Tue Jun 13 12:54:49 MDT 2017
Letting the driver side tank vent was an idea I had a long time ago
too. So I tried it today. Pulled the vent hose off (wasn't easy, it
was shrunk and stuck but still flexible once I got
it off).
NO CHANGE, it still runs down the side of the car.. bummer.
I asked the old guy who came out and started mopping up the rusty water
the overheated Tiger was dropping (he it IS fun to drive, and its warm
out today) about filing old cars.
He showed me how to jam it in but leave an air gap, like I've tried
before. BUT, I have to admit, it worked pretty well this time, humm....
The vent hose was still off so maybe its a combination thing.
At any rate, I've seen these kind of devices before:
I ordered one, maybe this will be the solution..?
Mayf, you are so lucky you don't have these lousy nozzles. I still
remember how easy and neat it was to use the old fashioned ones... Just
stuff it in the tank, set the lock, and
wait till it stops.. no problemo, no wasted gas, no excess AIR POLLUTION!
On 6/12/2017 4:51 PM, Larry Mayfield wrote:
> Good day, Gary! Always glad to hear from ya. So, black hose of some sort. I will measure the hose barb OD tomorrow before I head down to the local industrial supply and see what they have for hose. And I will get about 10 feet of the stuff whatever it is. I have a lot of hose clamps.
> Let's chat about slow filling and fuel spillage on the car fender's paint. Stop That! I guess we need to first figure out what the issue is that is causing the slow fill and blow back maybe. So, lets thing of all the things that can cause a slow filling and the consequences of that. What if the driver's side tank cannot vent as fuel is being put into the tank? If the vent hose is kinked and air cannot escape then pressure is going to build up in that side and it will not fill very quickly. That sound correct or likely? Next is maybe the I think I could make a case for removing the D side tank hide panel and remove the hose from that barb to see if that cures the problem. And since the P side tank is getting the full flow of fuel, than perhaps it is causing some blow back into the recovery system. More than it is designed to take? Does it need to have a tight seal to work? Been a long time since I bought gas in LALA land. And if that system works when you have adequate venting from the tanks, then maybe you need a big old solenoid valve to dump the fumes from the tanks into CA's finest air. So a solenoid around the P side fill hose in the underside of the fender, with a new dump position might help. And maybe get ya thrown into jail if someone snitches on ya. A simple T in the fine with the valve on the middle leg would work, dump it under the car or maybe even into a vapor recovery canister from a junque yarde donor. Are those cheater devices that let you seal off the recovery part of the fill hose available anywhere? Heck, I would make a simple one and try it some midnight when no one is looking. Some kind of grommet to seal the fill to a bag that can be tired around the recovery hose. See how that works. And run when the California Climate Control Cops come... very fast... Check in Hemmings? Maybe the old car folk have a solution already. Next is a possible rats nest in the cross over pipe? Got any old rags down there from when you might had had all that stuff apart? Slow is ok for running but filling is not when the pump is dumping at warp nine. Maybe look for a older gas station that might have a slower system. I know some stations have pump handles and pumps which can put a lot of fuel into the tanks in really short order ...useful for Motor Homes and trucks on gasoline. I think you get an older pump system that is not pumping 5 times the rate as the ones you have been going to. So go to older gas stations that look derelict and ready to fold and go under, lol. If pump flow is the issue I do not know why slowing it down with the handle does not work.
> Anyone else have this problem> I live in Nye County in Nevada and we have zero climate controls here.
> Interested is seeing what the solution is myself.
> mayf
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Winblad [mailto:garywinblad at comcast.net]
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 1:36 PM
> To: Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com>; 'Tony Lang' <achd73 at yahoo.com>; Tiger List <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] cross over hose plus other questions...
> Hi Mayf
> It should be black rubber hose, and I'm pretty sure it has clamps.
> Humm, my P side rear fender was hit too, once before I got it and my boo boo required a whole new fender ;-)
> I think you can get the sender out, may need to un-bolt the tank and
> rotate it slightly . A lot easier with
> the tank out though.
> To get rid of the smells, get rid all the old rags and stuff ;-)
> Hey, Mayf. While you are thinking of gas tanks...
> I have the worst time forcing gas into my Tigers around here with the vapor recovery gas pumps.
> I am not really sure what the problem is, but I end up with gas running down the side of my Tiger and it is eating my paint!
> I am thinking that an open vent on the driver side would help. Then I could jam the nozzle tight with the inlet which really makes a mess if I do that now. Even if I pull back the recovery part and hold it like when I fill small portable tank for the lawn mower doesn't work unless I really barely drip it in, and then my hand hurts before I get even a couple gallons.
> Very occasionally I get a pump that will let me push it in tight and pump it quickly with no spill.. Is that a good pump or one that's really broken or mis-adjusted? I think the later because it is so rare.
> Gary
> On 6/12/2017 10:39 AM, Larry Mayfield via Tigers wrote:
>> Fuel tank vent line… Well I removed the tank hide covers and took a
>> look at my cross over vent tube, the one at the top of the driver’s
>> side tank to the P side filler neck hose. Mine is clear plastic. I
>> think that must be non OEM as once upon a time way back when, I had
>> gotten banged up in a fender bender. Hit that P side rear fender. I am
>> guessing that it might have been replaced then (still that was pre
>> 1970). Yeah, appears that the hose barbs are 3/8 inch and neither end
>> has a hose clamp, at least not on my install, OEM or not. It actually
>> seems to still have some plasticity to it.
>> What is the hose material on your car? Any of you? Stock or not if you
>> know.
>> Can the sender unit be removed while tank is in the car? I will also
>> replace the gasket on it if it can be. I know the filler neck hose
>> piece can be removed and replaced without fiddling with the tank (been
>> there done that). So I want to change that out also.
>> Anything else that can leak and make gasoline smells in the trunk and
>> hence the cabin?
>> mayf
>> *From:*Tony Lang [mailto:achd73 at yahoo.com]
>> *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 8:17 PM
>> *To:* Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: cross over hose
>> Good Larry, sounds much easier. I knew you would engineer a fix. I
>> changed a vent tube 14 years ago and without going across town to
>> look, I am pretty sure the passenger side connects to a nipple on the
>> filler tube, between gas cap and RH tank and the hose may well have a
>> larger OD since it acts as a balance tube and a vent hose from the LH
>> tank. I have no doubt you won't have a problem. Sounds like some good
>> pig you guys will serve up. There are plenty of hogs in this country
>> but no wild ones that I know of. Because of all the corn and soybeans
>> we do have some BIG white tail. I don't get around so well these days
>> but I did buy a crossbow last year. My son guides during deer season,
>> so I had use of a couple stands that the walk was tolerable but I only
>> saw deer to far to shoot at. Perhaps this year.
>> Take care Mayf!
>> Tony Lang (TtT)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> *From:*Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com <mailto:drmayf at mayfco.com>>
>> *To:* 'Tony Lang' <achd73 at yahoo.com <mailto:achd73 at yahoo.com>>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 5:03 PM
>> *Subject:* RE: cross over hose
>> Tony, I did NOT modify the adjuster rod or the fancy expander
>> extension nut. I used all Tiger parts as is! But made a new piece to
>> hold the horn switch and stuff, the junk that is attached to the OEM
>> horn ring. I had to make some stand offs but these can be made from
>> pieces available from Home Depot. The idea is to make the inside of
>> the new adapter look like it is the inside of the OEM steering wheel
>> hub. When fine tuning, I just used some small SS washers as shims.
>> I cut no pieces!
>> I will get you the instructions this coming week.
>> mayf
>> *From:*Tony Lang [mailto:achd73 at yahoo.com]
>> *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 10:29 AM
>> *To:* Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com <mailto:drmayf at mayfco.com>>
>> *Subject:* cross over hose
>> Larry, compared to the steering wheel, this is a piece of cake. You
>> have to removed the tank covers and IMS the vent hose connects to each
>> tank and the ID will be obvious once the hose is removed from the
>> tank. I use 90 to 120 lb. test nylon trotline type cord. I tie the
>> line on about 4 inches from the end, then use 3 half hitches, followed
>> by a think wrap of black electricians tape. The hose runs from one
>> tank to the other passing thru the metal behind the convertible
>> top.... yes, there is a space there. It is mandatory the line not come
>> off the hose since you are going to pull the hose out and the line in
>> and after purchasing new hose OR removed the hose end prior so you can
>> inspect the ID but it is just rubber gas line. Once pulled out, you
>> have the nylon replacing the hose, now remove the trotline (what we
>> call it here in the Midwest) from the old hose, tie it back on and
>> again 3 half hitches so you won't lose the new line. I am sure the
>> hose can be pushed around the two end curves BUT having the nylon
>> makes it easy. Replace the hose to the drivers side tank, remove slack
>> but leave a bit for cold weather, not that I expect you will be
>> driving to Canada , cut to proper length and you can use the old hose
>> as a template, reattach clamp(s) and tank covers, enjoy a cold
>> beverage of your choice.
>> My sister and bro n law recently sold out in Charleston, WVa and close
>> on their new home south of Colombia, S.C. the 15th. A town called
>> Lugoff, SC. I mailed her the title to my Mk1 and tomorrow will, after
>> thinking about it, send along my unrestored 1A title too. I am leaving
>> her the Mk1 so we are putting it in both our names, provided life goes
>> the way it should but we both know one should never bet on the length
>> of my or her life. I mentioned the steering wheel which only served to
>> confuse her but she did ask I also make it like original as she is
>> much shorter then me. When you get time, if you will tell me the
>> length of the finished new adjustor and any other things you learned I
>> should know, I will attempt to duplicate your design. I think you
>> mentioned writing it up as a tech tip, which would be a good tip for
>> your name to be attached to. No major hurry as I don't have the spare
>> adjustor rod in hand but I will have. TIA and an early thought that
>> you enjoy Fathers Day, I see much advertising so I am guessing it is
>> next Sunday and google just confirmed same.
>> Take care Mayf.. ttys. TtT
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