[Tigers] cross over hose plus other questions...
Gary Winblad
garywinblad at comcast.net
Mon Jun 12 14:36:26 MDT 2017
Hi Mayf
It should be black rubber hose, and I'm pretty sure it has clamps.
Humm, my P side rear fender was hit too, once before I got it and my
boo boo required a whole new fender ;-)
I think you can get the sender out, may need to un-bolt the tank and
rotate it slightly . A lot easier with
the tank out though.
To get rid of the smells, get rid all the old rags and stuff ;-)
Hey, Mayf. While you are thinking of gas tanks...
I have the worst time forcing gas into my Tigers around here with the
vapor recovery gas pumps.
I am not really sure what the problem is, but I end up with gas running
down the side of my Tiger and
it is eating my paint!
I am thinking that an open vent on the driver side would help. Then I
could jam the nozzle tight with
the inlet which really makes a mess if I do that now. Even if I pull
back the recovery part and hold it
like when I fill small portable tank for the lawn mower doesn't work
unless I really barely drip it in,
and then my hand hurts before I get even a couple gallons.
Very occasionally I get a pump that will let me push it in tight and
pump it quickly with no spill.. Is that a
good pump or one that's really broken or mis-adjusted? I think the
later because it is so rare.
On 6/12/2017 10:39 AM, Larry Mayfield via Tigers wrote:
> Fuel tank vent line… Well I removed the tank hide covers and took a
> look at my cross over vent tube, the one at the top of the driver’s
> side tank to the P side filler neck hose. Mine is clear plastic. I
> think that must be non OEM as once upon a time way back when, I had
> gotten banged up in a fender bender. Hit that P side rear fender. I am
> guessing that it might have been replaced then (still that was pre
> 1970). Yeah, appears that the hose barbs are 3/8 inch and neither end
> has a hose clamp, at least not on my install, OEM or not. It actually
> seems to still have some plasticity to it.
> What is the hose material on your car? Any of you? Stock or not if you
> know.
> Can the sender unit be removed while tank is in the car? I will also
> replace the gasket on it if it can be. I know the filler neck hose
> piece can be removed and replaced without fiddling with the tank (been
> there done that). So I want to change that out also.
> Anything else that can leak and make gasoline smells in the trunk and
> hence the cabin?
> mayf
> *From:*Tony Lang [mailto:achd73 at yahoo.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 8:17 PM
> *To:* Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com>
> *Subject:* Re: cross over hose
> Good Larry, sounds much easier. I knew you would engineer a fix. I
> changed a vent tube 14 years ago and without going across town to
> look, I am pretty sure the passenger side connects to a nipple on the
> filler tube, between gas cap and RH tank and the hose may well have a
> larger OD since it acts as a balance tube and a vent hose from the LH
> tank. I have no doubt you won't have a problem. Sounds like some good
> pig you guys will serve up. There are plenty of hogs in this country
> but no wild ones that I know of. Because of all the corn and soybeans
> we do have some BIG white tail. I don't get around so well these days
> but I did buy a crossbow last year. My son guides during deer season,
> so I had use of a couple stands that the walk was tolerable but I only
> saw deer to far to shoot at. Perhaps this year.
> Take care Mayf!
> Tony Lang (TtT)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:*Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com <mailto:drmayf at mayfco.com>>
> *To:* 'Tony Lang' <achd73 at yahoo.com <mailto:achd73 at yahoo.com>>
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 5:03 PM
> *Subject:* RE: cross over hose
> Tony, I did NOT modify the adjuster rod or the fancy expander
> extension nut. I used all Tiger parts as is! But made a new piece to
> hold the horn switch and stuff, the junk that is attached to the OEM
> horn ring. I had to make some stand offs but these can be made from
> pieces available from Home Depot. The idea is to make the inside of
> the new adapter look like it is the inside of the OEM steering wheel
> hub. When fine tuning, I just used some small SS washers as shims.
> I cut no pieces!
> I will get you the instructions this coming week.
> mayf
> *From:*Tony Lang [mailto:achd73 at yahoo.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 11, 2017 10:29 AM
> *To:* Larry Mayfield <drmayf at mayfco.com <mailto:drmayf at mayfco.com>>
> *Subject:* cross over hose
> Larry, compared to the steering wheel, this is a piece of cake. You
> have to removed the tank covers and IMS the vent hose connects to each
> tank and the ID will be obvious once the hose is removed from the
> tank. I use 90 to 120 lb. test nylon trotline type cord. I tie the
> line on about 4 inches from the end, then use 3 half hitches, followed
> by a think wrap of black electricians tape. The hose runs from one
> tank to the other passing thru the metal behind the convertible
> top.... yes, there is a space there. It is mandatory the line not come
> off the hose since you are going to pull the hose out and the line in
> and after purchasing new hose OR removed the hose end prior so you can
> inspect the ID but it is just rubber gas line. Once pulled out, you
> have the nylon replacing the hose, now remove the trotline (what we
> call it here in the Midwest) from the old hose, tie it back on and
> again 3 half hitches so you won't lose the new line. I am sure the
> hose can be pushed around the two end curves BUT having the nylon
> makes it easy. Replace the hose to the drivers side tank, remove slack
> but leave a bit for cold weather, not that I expect you will be
> driving to Canada , cut to proper length and you can use the old hose
> as a template, reattach clamp(s) and tank covers, enjoy a cold
> beverage of your choice.
> My sister and bro n law recently sold out in Charleston, WVa and close
> on their new home south of Colombia, S.C. the 15th. A town called
> Lugoff, SC. I mailed her the title to my Mk1 and tomorrow will, after
> thinking about it, send along my unrestored 1A title too. I am leaving
> her the Mk1 so we are putting it in both our names, provided life goes
> the way it should but we both know one should never bet on the length
> of my or her life. I mentioned the steering wheel which only served to
> confuse her but she did ask I also make it like original as she is
> much shorter then me. When you get time, if you will tell me the
> length of the finished new adjustor and any other things you learned I
> should know, I will attempt to duplicate your design. I think you
> mentioned writing it up as a tech tip, which would be a good tip for
> your name to be attached to. No major hurry as I don't have the spare
> adjustor rod in hand but I will have. TIA and an early thought that
> you enjoy Fathers Day, I see much advertising so I am guessing it is
> next Sunday and google just confirmed same.
> Take care Mayf.. ttys. TtT
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