[Tigers] B-Post chromed 'Cappings's

James Armstrong rollright at aol.com
Thu Dec 28 13:51:49 MST 2017


Just finished looking in the Alpine (Tiger) parts book, Section YX illus. D226-228
I'm trying to figure out which cars had the narrow B-post caps and which had the wider ones.
2220784 & 5 were superseded by 2226242 & 3. Looks like a running change of some sort.
Then, on Tiger 38200389, the above was subbed to 2235594 & 5.
Anybody know?
Further, there is described but not illustrated a seal between the b-post and the above noted Capping piece.
I've never seen one. Anybody?
Jim Armstrong
Mk 1A
382002083 LRXFE
Code 86
TAC #....
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