[Tigers] Monthly mag
Lance Beauchamp
blance598 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 12:24:09 MST 2017
Has the monthly Roots Group mag stopped being published? Are they now
totally in the British Marque? 9470951. Thanks
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From: "Robert Neubauer" <rneubs at att.net>
Date: Dec 28, 2017 11:12 AM
Subject: A Poem -- That Was Us
To: "Anthony Fusco" <Anthony_C_Fusco at sbcglobal.net>, "Bill Wilber" <
BPWilber at centurytel.net>, "Bill/Julie Bloomfield" <W.Bloomfield at comcast.net>,
"Carol Farley" <cafarley at sbcglobal.net>, "Char Collins" <charcollins at att.net>,
"char c" <charcollins46 at yahoo.com>, "Charlotte Collins" <
Char.cfc at frontier.com>, "Chuck Farley" <C.J.Farley at sbcglobal.net>, "Ed/Tena
Jennings" <edtena0413 at cox.net>, "Ernie Tedeschi" <tedeschi at san.rr.com>,
"Greg Browning" <gregbrowning at rogers.com>, "Harry Lambro" <
htlthepapaman at comcast.net>, "Jack Fitterer" <jfitterer at insideresults.com>,
"Jimmy Greco" <jamesgreco55 at gmail.com>, "Joanna Kayla" <jokayla at outlook.com>,
"John Bryzgel" <Bryzg at comcast.net>, "John Novakowski" <
novakowski.j at gmail.com>, "Judy Samaha" <JSamaha44 at gmail.com>, "Lenore
Bentley" <LBentley7 at cfl.rr.com>, "Mike Gernanese" <MVGerm at gmail.com>, "Phil
Ottochian Sr" <phil.ottochiansr at yahoo.com>, "Ralph Schlottman" <
ralphschlottman at gmail.com>, "Rich Kayla" <Judemoog at aol.com>, "Richard
Castaldo" <Rcastaldo at cox.net>, "Richard Palumbo" <porkchop39 at netscape.com>,
"Rick Castaldo" <rcastaldo at fairpoint.net>, "Robby Neubauer" <
RobNeubs at yahoo.com>, "Tommy McGrath" <TMcgrath20 at hotmail.com>, "UChuck
Burghart" <chuckyb at snet.net>, "vvJan Neubauer" <jneubs at att.net>, "Woody
Kesecker" <WoodyKesecker1946 at gmail.com>, "WW Ken and Kay Kriegel" <
kenkriegel at yahoo.com>, "wwCarol/Vic Eager" <CarEager at aol.com>, "wwFrank
Mohr" <hookslide94 at gmail.com>, "wWill Hamilton" <wjhmedia at aol.com>,
"wwLANCE BEAUCHAMP" <blance598 at gmail.com>, "wwNeal Neubs" <
NealNeu at comcast.net>, "WWPam&Neal" <pjmeyers at ymail.com>, "wwwGerry/Nikki
Schatz" <Nishiki at netzero.com>, "WWWJimmyGriffin" <
james_m_griffin at sbcglobal.net>, "wwwVern and Nelda Lawes" <
vnlaws at comcast.net>, "xCarl and AnnMarie Pavano" <CARLAM65 at aol.com>, "xJim
Weyant" <JWBUDCAR8 at aol.com>, "xRBigseyRon Biggs" <bigsey at comcast.net>,
"xSaul & Sally Sargis" <SaulSargis at gmail.com>, "xTHOMAS GERSZ Sr." <
thomasgersz at sbcglobal.net>, "xTom Cigas" <jogger1 at comcast.net>, "xwLaura
Urbanetti" <lauraurb3 at gmail.com>, "xxaBilly Fritz" <WFritz at snet.net>,
"xxaJeff Neubauer" <jneubie at gmail.com>, "xxaJeffrey Neubs Neubauer" <
JNEUBIE74 at hotmail.com>, "xxaMarcella Neubauer" <mjneubie at live.com>,
"xxcFred and Mary Tyrrell" <jmf at myfairpoint.net>, "xxHarry Najarian" <
HMNAJ at aol.com>
This Was Us................
Whoever wrote this poem didn't leave anything out! Hope this finds you all
well and HAPPY for 2018! ENJOY!
>> I would love to re-live just one or two weeks back in the 50's.
>> A little house with three bedrooms,
>> One bathroom and one car on the street A mower that you had to push To
>> make the grass look neat.
>> In the kitchen on the wall
>> We only had one phone,
>> And no need for recording things,
>> Someone was always home.
>> We only had a living room
>> Where we would congregate,
>> Unless it was at mealtime
>> In the kitchen where we ate..
>> We had no need for family rooms
>> Or extra rooms to dine.
>> When meeting as a family
>> Those two rooms would work out fine.
>> We only had one TV set
>> And channels maybe two,
>> But always there was one of them
>> With something worth the view
>> For snacks we had potato chips
>> That tasted like a chip.
>> And if you wanted flavor
>> There was Lipton's onion dip.
>> Store-bought snacks were rare because
>> My mother liked to cook
>> And nothing can compare to snacks
>> In Betty Crocker's book
>> Weekends were for family trips
>> Or staying home to play
>> We all did things together -
>> Even go to church to pray.
>> When we did our weekend trips
>> Depending on the weather,
>> No one stayed at home because
>> We liked to be together
>> Sometimes we would separate
>> To do things on our own,
>> But we knew where the others were
>> Without our own cell phone
>> Then there were the movies
>> With your favorite movie star,
>> And nothing can compare
>> To watching movies in your car
>> Then there were the picnics
>> at the peak of summer season,
>> Pack a lunch and find some trees
>> And never need a reason.
>> Get a baseball game together
>> With all the friends you know,
>> Have real action playing ball -
>> And no game video.
>> Remember when the doctor
>> Used to be the family friend,
>> And didn't need insurance
>> Or a lawyer to defend
>> The way that he took care of you
>> Or what he had to do,
>> Because he took an oath and strived
>> To do the best for you
>> Remember going to the store
>> And shopping casually,
>> And when you went to pay for it
>> You used your own money?
>> Nothing that you had to swipe
>> Or punch in some amount,
>> And remember when the cashier person
>> Had to really count?
>> The milkman used to go
>> From door to door,
>> And it was just a few cents more
>> Than going to the store.
>> There was a time when mailed letters
>> Came right to your door,
>> Without a lot of junk mail ads
>> Sent out by every store .
>> The mailman knew each house by name
>> And knew where it was sent;
>> There were not loads of mail addressed To "present occupant"
>> There was a time when just one glance
>> Was all that it would take,
>> And you would know the kind of car,
>> The model and the make
>> They didn't look like turtles
>> Trying to squeeze out every mile;
>> They were streamlined, white walls, fins And really had some style
>> One time the music that you played
>> Whenever you would jive,
>> Was from a vinyl, big-holed record
>> Called a forty-five
>> The record player had a post
>> To keep them all in line
>> And then the records would drop down
>> And play one at a time.
>> Oh sure, we had our problems then,
>> Just like we do today
>> And always we were striving,
>> Trying for a better way.
>> Oh, the simple life we lived
>> Still seems like so much fun,
>> How can you explain a game,
>> Just kick the can and run?
>> And why would boys put baseball cards
>> Between bicycle spokes
>> And for a nickel, red machines
>> Had little bottled Cokes?
>> This life seemed so much easier
>> Slower in some ways
>> I love the new technology
>> But I sure do miss those days.
>> So time moves on and so do we
>> And nothing stays the same,
>> But I sure love to reminisce
>> And walk down memory lane.
>> With all today's technology
>> We grant that it's a plus!
>> But it's fun to look way back and say, HEY LOOK, GUYS, THAT WAS US!
>> "Good friends are like quilts-they age with you, yet never lose their
>> warmth."
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