[Tigers] Hard-top value

James Armstrong rollright at aol.com
Wed Dec 20 12:38:13 MST 2017

It's worth what you can get for it. If you ask $ 4,000, the guy will look at you like you are crazy, pivot smartly and walk away. He's going to have to put some fair money into this project: I know I did one.
If you want to sell it, start at $ 1,800/$2,000 and hold firm at $ 1,500.
Just my opinion
Jim Armstrong
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 08:51:45 -0500
From: "Robert J. Wanty" <rjw at wengco.com>
To: <tigers at Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: [Tigers] Tiger
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I have a hardtop painted black about 10 years ago and has been in the
barn since, have all hardware with some pitting. Needs a new headliner
and the windows are a little hazy. A local guy would like to buy it,
what do you think it is worth?
Thanks for the help.



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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 08:50:12 -0800
From: Jay Laifman <jay.laifman at gmail.com>
To: "Robert J. Wanty" <rjw at wengco.com>
Cc: Tiger's Den <tigers at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tiger
 <CAAjp1z7fbLGkFi6o=8gF_Fc=h_Ne1nvdnCu-nZ7scsnBwGCTRw at mail.gmail.com>
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A lot! I think the big thing that brings down the value is rust along the
bottom. I haven't seen one for sale lately. But even with rust, many
years ago, they were thousands of dollars.

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 5:51 AM, Robert J. Wanty via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> I have a hardtop painted black about 10 years ago and has been in the barn
> since, have all hardware with some pitting. Needs a new headliner and the
> windows are a little hazy. A local guy would like to buy it, what do you
> think it is worth?
> Thanks for the help.
> Bob
> B382001318
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