[Tigers] Seat Belts and Seat Slider

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Fri Sep 18 13:58:20 MDT 2015

How about a report on the type of 3 point that you used......brand  name, 
model #, retractable or non-retractable, does the center belt have a  
stiffener that sticks up or do will you have to hunt for the belt each time,  
etc...... Anyone else have info on what works well in a Tiger?
In a message dated 9/18/2015 2:41:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
tigers at autox.team.net writes:

Thanks to all who responded.  3 point  belts are almost complete.  The 
wheel well nuts never had anything in  them, the car only had lap belts before, 
so re-tapping was required - rear  wheel well sides done.  I am going to get 
a few (4) small spacers for the  behind the seat attachment points so it 
does not bunch up the carpet at this  location.  

The belts came with 2 spacers for the wheel  well location in order to get 
through the vinyl and padding with a small hole  punched\cut at this 
location to ensure not messing up the vinyl.  Looks  pretty good.

Progress is slow but am getting all the  little things completed while 
waiting for the chrome door finishers to come  back in order to complete the 
doors as well as getting the top frame complete  with center strap attached.  
We ended up with a 2 piece installation  here.  One from the middle bow to 
back bow and a long piece from the  header to the rear bow.  We are not 
attaching the header portion until  the top is installed to ensure a taught fit.  
Seats should be back from  upholster some time in the next 2 weeks and then 
interior would be  complete.

Thanks again for the responses, it was a  little nerve racking early this 
week, not thinking there was no frame belt  mounting points.  MGB inside 
captive nuts - Sunbeam outside interior  compartment captive nuts - who knew - 

Joel  Martin

On Thursday, September 17, 2015 2:00 PM,  "CoolVT at aol.com" <CoolVT at aol.com> 

Stu, if you hit something hard enough to flip the passenger seat  forward I 
think you're going to have more to worry about than a seat  ;-)
In a message dated 9/17/2015 1:31:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
tigers at autox.team.net writes:

In my Tiger,  assembled in the late summer of '66, there were mounts for 
lap belts under  the rugs, and for the shoulder belt on the wheel arch in the 
rear.   They are threaded to take the standard seat belt bolt, whatever that 
is,  because a couple sets I've obtained from other cars, including a 
Mercedes,  fit right in.  

I'm on the  short side, and didn't like the angle of the lap belt when 
using the  standard mounts, so I added a second set of mounts further forward, 
just by  drilling holes in the floor and using those giant washers intended 
for seat  belt mounting

If you are in  the seat and have your belts on, the seat should be unable 
to tip  forward.  The empty passenger seat is another issue...


On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Joel  Martin via Tigers 
<_tigers at autox.team.net_ (mailto:tigers at autox.team.net) >  wrote:

I must confess, when doing metal and body work, I did not  think ahead 
regarding seat belt mounting locations.  I know with 1968  and newer cars you 
are required to wear a seat belt but I am sure I want  them on any car I drive.

So, what do people do regarding adding seat belts 'after'  welding is out 
of the question with new paint completed and carpet  installed?  My MGB has 
welded in captive nuts for belts and shoulder  strap mounting points and I 
guess I was thinking the Tiger MK 1A had them  as well - bad mistake.  Options 

My other concern is with the seat slider where the seats  'raise/tip' 
forward with no way to hold back of seat frame from tipping  forward in case of 
front end accident.  How have folks addressed this  issue or is it a none 


Joel Martin


_tigers at autox.team.net_ (mailto:tigers at autox.team.net) 

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