[Tigers] Interesting carburetor Observation

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Fri Sep 4 07:47:39 MDT 2015

Now that's interesting.   The float bowl must be vented to allow easy fuel
The Autolite has 2 vent tubes inside the air cleaner and 1 outside.  Why was
the outside vent needed?
Still this matters little if fuel is being pumped out the vents and there is
a backfire.  You still have a fire.
The cause of the fuel pumping out has to be fixed first no matter what carb.
Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Mayfield [mailto:drmayf at mayfco.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 7:16 AM
To: rfraser at bluefrog.com; 'Stu'; Tiger List
Subject: RE: [Tigers] Interesting carburetor Observation

Seems to me that the float bowl must be vented to atmosphere in some manner,
for the carb to function. The old Ford carburetors went the simplest route
they could, vented right on top of the bowl cover. The very easiest fix is
to install one of the small Holley 2 BBL carbs which have the vent system
inside the air filter ring area on the top of the carb.  Either the 350 or
500 cfm versions work well.   




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