[Tigers] Tigers United Website
Larry Paulick
lpaulick1 at verizon.net
Wed Jun 24 15:49:56 MDT 2015
On the Tigers United site, look at the upper right corner, and hit the “Search” magnifying glass, on the main page or any sub pages.
Clubs & Organizations is listed at the top at the far right as a sub page.
On Jun 24, 2015, at 11:57 AM, CoolVT at aol.com wrote:
> Maybe if someone could print the exact address of the United Archives then owners could bookmark and get to it easily. In fact I have posted the site below. Just click on and type your interest into the box labeled '"Search String".
> http://www.team.net/archive/tigers/
> I suggest we do the same for any other sites available......CAT site?
> Mark
> In a message dated 6/24/2015 10:42:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, tigers at autox.team.net writes:
> Jay, Tigers United is one of the key resources available to Tiger owners. I hope it does not fall by the way side.
> Like all resources, if it is not used, it will be lost. The question(s) posted recently re 13” wheels and Dale A’s ackerman kit, was discussed in depth on the Tigers United site, but I guess they did not avail themselves of this information.
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