[Tigers] Stock oil filter set up leaks

Stu sabre2tgr at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 08:09:46 MDT 2015

I ended up making my own 6 point wrench for the large "nut" out of a thick
aluminum sheet.  I traced the nut onto the sheet then cut and filed it out
until it was a tight fit.  I used it a couple times before I gave up on the
original setup and switched to the Motorsports right angle adapter.


On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Ron Fraser via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Andy
> The fittings should tighten and not leak.
> You should check to make sure you have not split or cut the washers.
> Check to make sure the metal surfaces are flat for the gaskets.
> You should also check the big bolt at top is not bottoming out too soon.
> Install it without the washer to make sure it does not stop short of the
> metal adaptor.
> I believe those are fiber washers; maybe copper washers would work
> better.(?)
> 1.410" = 35.8 mm
> A 38 mm socket  may work OK.
> The correct wrenches would be line wrenches or crowfoot line wrenches.
> You would have to make your own 1.41" wrench.  Do you know anyone with a
> water jet cutter?
> A water jet or laser cutting machine could make a special tool to fit this
> job.
> Ron Fraser
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Tigers [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] *On Behalf Of *Andy
> Walker via Tigers
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 29, 2015 11:26 PM
> *To:* tigers at autox.team.net
> *Subject:* [Tigers] Stock oil filter set up leaks
> Hey, guys:
> First, the good news…I’ve got 60 lbs of pressure on the gauge when I spin
> up my oil pump with my electric drill.  For a stock oil pump, that’s
> great!!  That means that when I fire up my Tiger for the first time on
> Sunday (hopefully…) that I should have oil pressure running out my
> ears…which leads me to the bad news.  I’ve got a couple of oil leaks in the
> stock oil filter set-up, one of which is pretty bad.  The bad one is at the
> connection on top of the oil filter where the big bolt is that holds the
> filter to the housing.  The gasket is allowing the oil to just run out at a
> pretty good clip.  I’ve got that bolt twisted down pretty tightly but it
> continues to leak.  This is the first time that I’ve ever had an original
> oil filter set-up on a Tiger, so I’m unfamiliar with their oddities; are
> you supposed to use some sort of gasket sealer on that gasket between the
> shoulders of the bolt and the housing?  Is this a common problem with these
> stock filter rigs?
> The other leak is at the connection point between the short hose and the
> block adapter.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to tighten it up a bit and stop the
> leak, but the leak I mentioned above is so bad that there is no way that I
> can start the car before fixing it.  Any advice on how to properly seal
> that would be greatly appreciated.
> Oh, and by the way, I don’t have a proper-sized wrench for the oil filter
> bolt in question.  I mic’d it as best I could and it comes out to be
> something like a 1.410” in size.  All I’ve got that is big enough to do the
> job is an adjustable wrench, and even that is so long that I have to stand
> it up and grab the shoulders of the bolt with the ends of the jaws of the
> wrench.  What do you guys use on yours?
> Thanks much,
> Andy Walker
> Edmond, OK
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