[Tigers] MkII Headlight Rims

dnmwilson at aol.com dnmwilson at aol.com
Tue Dec 8 15:41:36 MST 2015


Yes, I was pleasantly surprised when you listed your old car's serial number as being one less than mine.  In some ways, I liked the looks of the hooded headlight rims on my Mk II.  Maybe your previous car's owner installed hooded rims because he preferred their looks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tod Brown <todbrown at roadrunner.com>
To: dnmwilson <dnmwilson at aol.com>; tigers at Autox.Team.Net <Tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tue, Dec 8, 2015 1:24 pm
Subject: Re: MkII Headlight Rims

      I envy you. I'm glad you have your car and        continue to enjoy it. 
        I was hoping to hear from            someone with a serial number close to the one I had for            comparison
            and I think your story raises some doubt              about the car I had and it original rims. The only 
              damage that the car I had suffered                appeared to be from the incident that produced its                demise
                so it remains a                    mystery as to why the owner changed the headlight                    rims. In addition, the rest of
                      the car was bone stock with no                        evidence of anything else having been changed or                        customized.
                        It seems that all the MkII's                          left the line with rounded rims, so I guess my mystery will remain.
                              Thanks for your comments                                and those from others who wrote to me.

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