[Tigers] Tiger electrical question

michael at michaelshortt.com michael at michaelshortt.com
Sun Feb 16 15:49:41 MST 2014

Sounds like a ground issue, esp if all of the lamps are good. Have you
switched all of the lamps out one at a time?  Sometimes it can be as simple
as cleaning a single connection, while searching it out, great to coat
checked out contact points with a little dielectric grease.

Good luck

On Feb 16, 2014 5:43 PM, <brockctella at juno.com> wrote:

> My left rear turn signal has stopped working, front left blinks quick and
> no dash indicator though right side turn signals are fine. Just noticed
> that my rear tail lamps are on when car is started and run.
> Changed bulbs and nothing. Any ideas? Are they related?
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