[Tigers] Fuel Filters

Stu Brennan stubrennan at comcast.net
Sun Feb 16 13:59:52 MST 2014

Just to clarify my thoughts...

Ibm thinking of cutting the original line just aft of the spare tire well.
A new steel line would enter the spare tire well and go directly to the
filter.  A short steel line would go directly from the filter to the pump.  A
final steel line would exit the pump and go outside to be joined to the
original, somewhere along the rear of the tire well. The pump would be bolted
to the side of the well, and the filter supported, if necessary.  The new
steel lines would be positioned so that only a short bit of rubber hose would
be necessary to join old to new.

And Ibve been using a prefilter on my present Facet, located in the original
bVapor lockb position, for years now, no problems.


From: steve wick
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 3:36 PM
To: Tony Lang ; Stu Brennan ; tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: RE: [Tigers] Fuel Filters

I've seem hard metal lines crack as well, but only when one of the devices
they connect has significant vibration and they aren't mounted to the same
platform. The fuel pump doesn't move that much, if at all. I've seen rubber
lines crack more often, because of age. Ford used to run hard lines from the
fuel pump (mechanical) to the carb and only used rubber at joints between
major assemblies, such as the tank and the input to the fuel pump (due to the
engine vibrating differently than the car. The new issue we have to deal with
is the ethanol in the fuel that eats rubber fuel lines. I'm replacing the
rubber lines to my fuel pump right now with hard lines, because they've gotten
hard and collapsed, cutting off the fuel flow. If you feel the need to use
something flexible, use the new plastics that are ethanol safe. Just my .02

Steve (in N. Idaho)

> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 11:50:38 -0800
> From: achd73 at yahoo.com
> To: stubrennan at comcast.net; tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Fuel Filters
> Stu, I am of the opinion that a section of rubber is better than having it
> "hard plumbed". Vibration will, in time cause a crack in the hard plumbed
> line, while the rubber accepts the vibration, protecting from a crack. One
> might argue use a metal line large enough to compensate and thus not use
> rubber but I've seen large lines crack- not necessarily on a car but I
> see why the same physics would not apply. Anyone differing in opinion,
> step up. Cheers!
> Tony Lang (TtT)
> On Sunday, February 16, 2014 1:22 PM, Stu
> Brennan <stubrennan at comcast.net> wrote:
> It must be all the snow up here in
> the northeast. Ibm getting ideas againb&
> I want to move the fuel pump on my
> Mk1A to the Mk2 location, the tire well
> in the trunk. Ibve got a new Facet
> ready and waiting. Ibm trying to sort
> out the layout in my mind, having seen
> the various custom layouts in photos
> that some of you sent the first time I
> started thinking about this. But
> here's the thought that keeps going through
> my mind...
> Ibd rather not have any rubber fuel lines in the trunk.. Steel
> lines only,
> less likely to have an issue. But I want to use a prefilter,
> that Ibd
> rather have protected in the trunk, too. So I started looking for
> fuel
> filters with threaded fittings on their inlets and outlets. I found a
> few
> for fuel injected systems, Bosch stuff, Porsche stuff, etc. But those
> are
> likely metric, and Ibd rather stick with something I could easily adapt
> to
> the 5/16b (IIRC) standard fuel line.
> I know therebs a pricey Fram filter
> for racers, but Ibm thinking there must
> be something else. A cheaper
> something else. Any ideas out there?
> Stu
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