[Tigers] Amp guage needed - relay question

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Thu May 30 08:55:53 MDT 2013

	Sounds like you are making some great progress, well done.

Amp gage was an option with separate 2 HD wires plus the black daisy chain

Clock was an option - 1 short wire to light switch plus connect black daisy

Cigar lighter was an option - 1 wire to fuse - ground wire

Headlights are a separate plug in harness

None of these are hard to install and you have to realize that was the way
it was done in the 60's.

Original warning light bulbs can be hard to find so the change makes them
easier to replace.

Timing cover - the Tiger engine never used the oil spout on the timing cover
- that hole was plugged until a new timing cover was introduced which
eliminated that feature.

The new timing covers on the market today require a cast iron water pump as
far as I know.

Yes, the amp gage goes in the far left position

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Joel Martin
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:06 AM
To: Tiger List Serve
Subject: [Tigers] Amp guage needed - relay question


First start up of motor last Saturday, had some wiring issues - with
electronic Petronix distributor and no BR - got past that, then issues with
rebuilt carb and rebuilt generator but fired right up - sound is AWESOME.

My questions and information to pass on is this:  New wiring harness from
SS, found from dash layout diagram that if it said 'if fitted' there are NO
wires for these in the new harness - this was VERY disappointing.  No
provision for AMP gauge, clock, cigar lighter and headlight harness (2) are
a separate purchase.  So now to fit the optional 'if fitted' items, wiring
will have to be outside the nice pretty neat harness.  I guess I am used to
all wires being included for optional equipment, whether you use them or
not, the wires were always there, you just had to buy the optional equipment
and hook them up.  I also have to run a separate wire for the electric choke
due to headers - probably should have gone to a manual choke for the
Autolite 4100.  Anyway, the wiring harness requires different bulbs - (# 73)
for the 3 warning lights which Rick is graciously sending me with the new
Alum water pump.  FYI, Scott Drake carries a replacement timing  cover
(alum) if someone is in need with NO provision for oil spout - use the one
on valve cover if you have those type covers.

In retrospect, I should have replaced them during engine build but they did
not look that pitted but guess they were due to leaks, multiple, when filled
up radiator.  Many  steps forward and many backwards - just solve issues as
they come up - all start ups, finds something that should have been done, I
guess.  Very exciting Saturday but also very disappointing as well.

Anyway the rebuilt distributor for my 73 MGB from Jeff at Advanced installed
plus re-timed, cleared up my idling issues with this car and have been
driving it daily all week - 60's in the AM and 80's during day with no rain,
just love spring time in the south - of course after the pine tree pollen
month is over.

I had bought a original 'Rootes' cigar lighter back in the 80's but my dash
had a old VDO volt gauge in the clock hole.  I had a clock from years back,
so will install.  I would like to buy if someone has available the " +30 to
-30 AMPS Made in England Lucas Gauge, if I understand this to be the correct
66 MK 1A gauge to go in the far left hole in the dash.


Joel Martin

tigers at autox.team.net

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