[Tigers] Amp guage needed - relay question

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Thu May 30 08:19:59 MDT 2013

Hi Joel,
I can't speak to all the issues, but here's the thing with the ammeter:
Because it has to go in series with the main power wiring to the battery, if
the ammeter is not installed you have to have the two ammeter hookup terminals
connected together. If these connections come loose or get corroded, then you
get a hot spot under the dash that can easily become a fire hazard and at best
it's a risk to all the other wiring in that part of the loom because the heat
can soften the insulation.

On the other hand, having the ammeter wiring built as part of the harness
would avoid the situation where many folks have their ammeter improperly wired
(such as between the generator/alternator and the rest of the harness).



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