[Tigers] Standard vs. GT Interior

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 09:36:14 MDT 2012


While i will say thanks for the warning.. not all Tigers used the
wider/deeper GT style !/4 window finshers. The early tigers, round
bonnet/door/boot cars used the ST smaller alpine ST style finshers.
When the Tigers went to the GT interior (padded door top rolls and
pleated door panels) they use the deeper style 1/4 window finishers.

All MKIA/MKII Tigers use the GT finishers.. and i think all cross over
body (square corner doors and bonnet/round boot) use the GT style, but
ealier cars use the thinner ST ones.

On 09/04/2012, Rollright at aol.com <Rollright at aol.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to admit making a very expensive mistake, and in doing so, help
> others avoid this thoughtless error. My intention was to re-chrome the
> chrome-plated pot-metal 'finishers' just below the non-opening vent window
> on the
> doors. To this end, I found two vent window assemblies on E-Bay and
> dis-assembled them, stripping off the "finishers". Off to the platters they
> went.
> Tiger was still in storage. Got the Tiger back from winter  storage last
> week-end.
>     I had Good Friday off from work, and started the  re-assembly of the
> freshly plated "finishers" on my vent windows.  Surprise, Surprise. The
> "finishers" I had plated were too short, top to bottom,  and shaped slightly
> differently.
>     Went to the parts list and what I had plated were  the "Standard"
> "Finisher" part numbers
>  2217291 and 2217192.  Our Tigers have the "GT" interior  with "Finisher"
> part numbers 2217196 & 2217197.
>     The best laid plans....
>     All that for nothing.  Make sure with interior  parts you don't make a
> similar error.
>     Anybody have an Alpine that has grotty  "finishers"? I have two
> beautifully chromed ones surplus to my  requirements....
>     Duh!
> Jim  Armstrong
> Mk 1A
> 382002083
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Michael King

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