[Tigers] Standard vs. GT Interior

Scattt scattt at verizon.net
Sun Apr 8 09:24:07 MDT 2012

Jim: All the Tigers with the non Gt interiors use the same smaller 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Rollright at aol.com>
To: <tigers at Autox.Team.Net>
Cc: <onegonefish at comcast.net>; <todbrown at roadrunner.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 10:24 AM
Subject: [Tigers] Standard vs. GT Interior

> Hello,
> I want to admit making a very expensive mistake, and in doing so, help
> others avoid this thoughtless error. My intention was to re-chrome the
> chrome-plated pot-metal 'finishers' just below the non-opening vent window 
> on the
> doors. To this end, I found two vent window assemblies on E-Bay and
> dis-assembled them, stripping off the "finishers". Off to the platters 
> they  went.
> Tiger was still in storage. Got the Tiger back from winter  storage last
> week-end.
>    I had Good Friday off from work, and started the  re-assembly of the
> freshly plated "finishers" on my vent windows.  Surprise, Surprise. The
> "finishers" I had plated were too short, top to bottom,  and shaped 
> slightly
> differently.
>    Went to the parts list and what I had plated were  the "Standard"
> "Finisher" part numbers
> 2217291 and 2217192.  Our Tigers have the "GT" interior  with "Finisher"
> part numbers 2217196 & 2217197.
>    The best laid plans....
>    All that for nothing.  Make sure with interior  parts you don't make a
> similar error.
>    Anybody have an Alpine that has grotty  "finishers"? I have two
> beautifully chromed ones surplus to my  requirements....
>    Duh!
> Jim  Armstrong
> Mk 1A
> 382002083
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