[Tigers] Trunk Interior - Rear Panels

Graham Harlowe gharlowe at comcast.net
Sat Sep 25 16:10:46 MDT 2010

All -

After some years, I've finally gotten around to installing the trunk
interior panels (I have the plastic replacements from SS).  The side panels
are pretty straight-forward and actually came with "hints" for the screw
holes.  The two rear panels are secured with 6 screws each, but I have a
question about the installation - do they go underneath the trunk latch
cover (i.e. do the latch cover fasteners pass through the rear panels)?
Should the rear panels be moved the extreme outboard to avoid the latch
cover?  Do the fasteners for the trunk deck "hold downs" also pass through
the rear panels?  

Photos of proper configuration appreciated...thanks much!


Graham Harlowe

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