[Tigers] New record Tiger sale
michael king
michael.s.king at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 17:55:19 MDT 2010
On 16 August 2010 09:38, J D Johnson <j_d_johnson at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Really a shame when you consider the auction house handling the genuine
> factory rally machine AHP 294B is estimated to be worth no more the 75,000
> pounds.
> http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p7989pkC3fHbPrpHQqedvMDQambN-9C9zyETiK5zMwaRXBSpijpBo8MatJtgZ5SaEQXE4lI8OCCArH7Ft4kvIaA/ahp294-b-001002-version-01-1024.jpg?psid=1
> JD
Um... i think THAT car is very over priced... its got a moody past.. and is
an alger.. its a lot of money for a rego plate!
and more recent
Michael King
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