[Tigers] EPAY thoughts

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 5 23:24:36 MST 2009

I think Mike is very smart- screw epay BUT people want profit and they find more of it on epay Mike. I try to never look so I wont be tempted- while I should be selling instead of buying- oh well I think things are going to get better- BUT how long it will take is the $60 question. TtT

--- On Thu, 2/5/09, MWood24020 at aol.com <MWood24020 at aol.com> wrote:

> From: MWood24020 at aol.com <MWood24020 at aol.com>
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tiger MK II Investment Bargain
> To: 65tiger at comcast.net, tigers at autox.team.net
> Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 9:22 PM
> I think I'd prefer to just buy stuff directly, face to
> face, and screw  
> epay... lol
> Mike
> In a message dated 2/5/2009 7:20:34 P.M. Pacific Standard
> Time,  
> 65tiger at comcast.net writes:
> Computer  software monitors the bidding and based on the
> buyers 
> computerized buy  criteria will enter a winning bid in the
> very last seconds 
> of the auction.  Its called "sniping" and a
> common practice. 
> The buyer instead of back and  forth bidding with
> challengers, determines 
> his maximum price and programs  the software. The only way
> he will be 
> beat is if another sniper wants the  same item and has
> entered a higher bid. 
> So if you really want an item, you  can enter a
> ridiculously high bid so that 
> no one else will want to outbid  you (seller's will
> love you) or you can 
> fight 
> fire with fire and get some  software and try to out-trick
> your opponents.  
> **************Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at
> $499. 
> (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1217883258x1201191827/aol?redir=http://ad.doubleclick.
> net/clk;211531132;33070124;e)
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