[Tigers] Tiger MK II Investment Bargain

MWood24020 at aol.com MWood24020 at aol.com
Thu Feb 5 20:22:48 MST 2009

I think I'd prefer to just buy stuff directly, face to face, and screw  
epay... lol
In a message dated 2/5/2009 7:20:34 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
65tiger at comcast.net writes:

Computer  software monitors the bidding and based on the buyers 
computerized buy  criteria will enter a winning bid in the very last seconds 
of the auction.  Its called "sniping" and a common practice. 
The buyer instead of back and  forth bidding with challengers, determines 
his maximum price and programs  the software. The only way he will be 
beat is if another sniper wants the  same item and has entered a higher bid. 
So if you really want an item, you  can enter a ridiculously high bid so that 
no one else will want to outbid  you (seller's will love you) or you can 
fire with fire and get some  software and try to out-trick your opponents.  

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