[Tigers] Alpine tie rod ends
michael king
michael.s.king at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 19:49:34 MDT 2008
There is a Tiger in AU running a subaru rack with power steering, no
welding or body mods. I think its from a NZ spec car. I'm a bit short
on details and dont have any photos.. what can i say.. i'm just to
strong to need all that stuff.. heck i even have a stock rack ;-)
Seriously though.. if anyone is interested i am sure i can take some
pics or get some more info.
On 14/09/2008, Jim <jim at island.net> wrote:
> Gary.
> After a whole lot of research, I've come up with a plan to install a Mazda
> power steering rack in the Tiger. The rack will most likely be powered by a
> Toyota MR2 electric p.s. pump and a 4QD motor controller . No cutting or
> welding required on the car but there has been a whole lot of fabrication,
> head scratching and scheming ( not necessarily in that order lol) .
> Hopefully it will go in this winter along with a z spec T5 trans.
> There's a couple pics of it mocked up on a spare crossmember here.
> http://groups.msn.com/431HeronPlace/shoebox.msnw?Page=3
> Thanks to all you responded about the tie rods. Dale's kit must be popular.
> ;)
> Jim
> _____
> From: garywinblad at comcast.net [mailto:garywinblad at comcast.net]
> Sent: September 13, 2008 2:34 PM
> To: Jim; tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Alpine tie rod ends
> Hi Jim,
> Are you going to tell us what "big steering changes" are??
> Curious minds want to know..
> Gary
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Jim" <jim at island.net>
>> Hi listers...
>> I'm making some big steering changes on my Tiger and am looking for a
> couple
>> of R.H.thread Alpine tie rod ends... S.S. only sells them in L.H/R.H.
> pairs
>> ...and I know that some of you out there have done Dale's Midget rack swap
>> which only requires the L.H. ones so I'm thinking that if you sourced the
>> parts from S.S that you might have the R.H. ends still around. If anyone
> can
>> help, let me know...
>> Thanks in advance
>> Jim
>> B382000446
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