[Tigers] FW: Air Conditioning

Duke Samouce wsamouce at kc.rr.com
Sat Jun 21 16:29:04 MDT 2008

Oh no,


This is what I meant about a "ice cooler" - 





Can hold 20 pounds of ice and puts out very cold air for about two hours...I


I would like to see some pictures of your set up though.  Ice does get kinda
expensive.  It will get me through the desert though.








From: Steve Laifman [mailto:SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com] 
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:43 PM
To: Duke Samouce
Subject: Air Conditioning



I realize that a refrigerated air conditioner may be more costly, but I did
see a neat conversion using an older Mazda console type A/C fans and
condenser (with "Ford" everything else.

The console neatly mounts between the transmission tunnel and the dash, just
behind the dashboard fascia. It contains the condenser and fans in this
unit, including directional cool air outlets.

Looks very neat, and similar to the accessory radio/speaker console.

For all after-market add-ons, this one may be most useful.  Be cautious
about which coolant type the unit is designed for, as gas refills may be
hard to find.  There are change kits, including orifices and expansion
valves that may adapt older gas types. (read "unavailable")


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Duke Samouce wrote:

<---- snip ---->

Or to be committed.  I just finished the cruise control install yesterday
and that should help.  I also made a "ice cooler" A/C unit that will be on
the passenger floor.
Should be fun.  

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