[Tigers] Get Smart Movie in 2008 (2007)

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sat Jun 21 16:07:48 MDT 2008


Thanks for the come-back.  The Canadian Sunbeams Alpines were purchased 
from the same guy who sold his Tiger to the Hamburger chain offering it 
for a prize. He says he was just kept the Alpines around for spare parts.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com
 <cid:part1.06040907.07080804 at SoCal.rr.com>

AAAGLASSS at aol.com wrote:
> Would you believe?  The transportation coordinator told me GM wanted 
> there products in the movie and no others. The Alpine in the movie was 
> filmed in Canada by the second unit(action scenes no stars). The Trans 
> coordinator knows I have a Tiger and  didn't know these scenes were 
> being filmed until the movie was almost wrapped.  If you ever get 
> approached by someone wanting to use your car in a movie, run unless 
> you don't like the car. They beat the heck out of them.  There are 
> lots of folks with period cars in So, Cal. that rent out there cars to 
> the TV/Movie Industry. The owners go with the cars and drive them in 
> the production. These are mostly retired people picking up a few 
> bucks. Sorry Max.
> B382002560

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