[Tigers] Fairmont Pulley
Owain Lloyd
owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 03:44:32 MDT 2008
the MGB steering arms are used together with an MG midget rack and
some adapters that dale a. sells. the whole job is relatively simple.
i have made this change and notice:
- no tire scrub
- easier and more precise adjustment of toe (straight track rods)
- quicker ratio steering
much happier with it.
if you have larger rotors you may run into problems with the steering
arms hitting the rotors.
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 1:30 AM, Randy Smith <RSSmithIQ at cs.com> wrote:
> Ok, at the risk of scorn for not searching the archives first, a quick
> question about the infamous Fairmont water pump pulley. Does anyone
> remember the exact year(s) and model(s) for the water pump pulley that
> folks have been using? Or even better, the Ford part number? I'd love
> to track one down without dragging myself through all the local junk
> yards. I think it was a Fairmont, though someone said Fairlane to me also.
> I have another question too. I believe that some folks have used "MG"
> (I think) steering arms to help correct the Ackerman angle. Is that
> part of a more complex fix or can I just switch these and get some (mild
> form of) benefit? If so, which arms am I looking for?
> Thanks- Randy
> --
> Randy Smith
> 34752 Charles Town Pike
> Purcellville, VA 20132
> 703-478-1078
> 540-668-6699
> 540-668-6253 fax
> InnerQuestOnline.com <http://www.innerquestonline.com/>
> RSSmithIQ at cs.com
> Tiger- B382000189
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