[Tigers] Rear hub removal-lug bolt problems

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 11 22:45:48 MST 2008

 Jim- Im interested in what you find in the lug bolt
replacement. Finding the thread is easy but the
diameter of the lug bolts I found are much larger at
the knurlings that hold the bolts in the axle. Im
considering drilling the axle holes to match the new
bolts BUT I really rather leave them stock. If my
machinist turns them down to stock size(the knurlings)
then there are no knurlings remaining. I suppose I can
always adjust the length to match the wheels Im
running. If I ever sold the car I would want to keep
the 15"minilites- w/ the present value of the $ vs.
the pound, the wheels have gone way up in value. I
rather the dollar was stronger BUT thats another
story- I bent a minilite and used a nice set of
14"wheels but had to have spacers on the rears- the
lug bolts where long enough to get by BUT only if I
carried a torque wrench and retorqued them after every
fill up. The car wasnt driven during the winter and
come spring I forgot to check the lug nuts and lost a
wheel- lucky I was almost at a stop so I didnt damage
anything- it could have been bad if I had been on the
interstate.The wheel can be straightened but I still
want to fix the lug bolts so I can run any wheel I
choose. I searched hard to find the right lug bolt but
had to settle for longer ones that Im having cut off
and I still have the diameter problem- I can send you
a stock lug bolt if you want to try to locate lug
bolts prior to thinking about installing the new ones-
Im forseeing you having the same problem as I did
unless you can find a place that will make custom lug
bolts and if you do, I want the information too,
PLEASE. Thanks and sorry about the long post. ANYONE
with knowledge that will help Jim or myself, PLEASE
post your thoughts. regards, TonytheTiger

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