[Tigers] remote thermometers

AAAGLASSS at aol.com AAAGLASSS at aol.com
Sun Aug 31 16:35:30 MDT 2008

Got a HF 16 speed floor drill press. Came with no chuck key. Couldn't find  
one anywhere local. HF has them in phone in orders. $1.32+ $6.50 shipping.  The 
gal I spoke to tried to sell me everything in the store including mag  
subscriptions. What a load of BS. I finally had to tell her I didn't want  anything 
but the parts I ordered or she would have gone on forever.
In a message dated 8/31/2008 12:40:09 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com writes:

Tony and  Tigers,

I have a HF about 2 miles from me, and have bought many tools  for 
limited use.  The electric hoist(s) works very well for the Tiger  and 
the Thunderbird hard tops, and is considerably better than a manual  winch. 

One of the greatest tools ever built is the $5.95 electronic  fly swatter.

I suppose you have all tried to get a flying bug with a  conventional 
swatter, a rolled up newspaper, or your carpet sweeper hose,  and find it 
difficult.  No wonder, if you have read the recent  article and how 
insects get away.  It seems that it senses  approaching danger and JUMPS 
to the least threatening direction in 1/4 of  a second, THEN it flies.

The battery operated electronic death machine  catches them "on the fly" 
;-)  , and they are "toast", so to  speak.

Luckily this is a seldom needed tool, but works and is on the  same 
battery installed 2 years ago.

Steve  Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Tony Somebody  wrote:
> Tom- I hate HF junk BUT if I lived where you do and could buy  the tools 
you have at the prices youve mentioned- well I would think of myself  as being 
prudent while having a few of the tools they sell that arent as bad  as the 
majority and be elated at the bargains I or my son had found. Keep  buying the 
bargains and the decent tools, if I lived near you we would be  there together.
> Happt LDW.
>  TonytheTiger
You are subscribed as  aaaglasss at aol.com

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