[Tigers] bulb question and a little warning

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Sun Aug 31 16:28:54 MDT 2008

	My MK IA has # 57 bulbs for the license plate.

Here is a note I have but I do not know the source or if it is totally

License bulb	L.989 6W or L.501 5W		57  (1895)?

Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces+rfraser=bluefrog.com at autox.team.net
[mailto:tigers-bounces+rfraser=bluefrog.com at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of
Owain Lloyd
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 1:03 PM
To: Tigers Den
Subject: [Tigers] bulb question and a little warning

hello, can anyone direct me to the type of bulb to buy to replace the
rear license place light bulbs?   the one i have has no markings on it
and local store doesn't carry anything like it.

and now the warning...

on a related note, the other night i decided to take the tiger to pick up a
take out order.  i backed out the garage and flipped on the headlights -
nothing came on and the charge light and panel lights went out.  my first
thought (silly me) was that the battery was low, so i turned them off and
cranked the engine.  no problem - so i turned them back on and still no
lights.  before i could flip them off (maybe 1 second) the dash started
smoking.  i turned them off, drove back in and took another car.  today i
looked for the short and found the left hand headlight bulb was the cause -
its shorted the ground to the two live terminals!  i have replacement 7"
xenon units with modern H4 bulbs (made by GERLUX) which are less than a year
old.  it was a close call and could have been much worse (destroyed wiring
or even a fire) so i'll definitely be wiring in a fuse to the headlights and
urge anyone who hasn't already to do likewise.
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