[Tigers] Re How hot is hot ?
William Lau
mrlau at charter.net
Thu Aug 28 11:53:23 MDT 2008
Most if not all items on a Tiger are American thread. They have a penchant
for making things with a fine thread instead of course like the American
manufacturers usually do but the socket sizes are in inches. I think Harbor
freight has a laser thermometer for about 50 bucks but I have no idea how
good they are.
It is possible to back flush your radiator by taking one of the threaded
plugs out of the block and either holding a hose up to it with the radiator
cap off or connecting it with fittings if you have room. Get ready to get
wet if you don't have fittings though. If you think your block is fine,
just take off the lower hose and make water go through backwards,(bottom to
If you run mostly water in your radiator the boiling temperature of the
mix goes down and might make it boil more easily. As you know water is 212
but I think 50 50 is about 245 degrees. What ever you put in there make
sure that it can't rust. I had a '58 Ford that I bought in Miami years ago
and pure water was run in it and it had to be flushed like I mentioned above
every couple of months and was a royal pain. You could see large flakes of
rust when you looked through the radiator cap setting on top of the tubes.
I remember hearing that 50 50 was a better coolant than water so a little
checking on that point might be in order because I don't know for sure which
is correct. I am sure that anti-freeze companies would claim that the more
of their product the better but it may not be true. I would suggest that
you dive in and work on your Tiger. Start with simple stuff like you are
doing and remember that it doesn't have to be right back on the road like
your daily driver and cars from that era are a lot simpler to work on than
now. You will be much happier with each repair you do on your own -- Bill --
Thanks all for the help. My mistake so far...
I reported the fan as stock 4 blade. Apparently I don't count as well as I
once did It is 5 blade.
I'll start this weekend by making certain that what I do have in place is
working properly by flushing the radiator and perhaps replacing the
thermostat. It's been a long long time since I did any of my own car work
and I've never done it on a Tiger.
I don't know what laser thermometers cost but I'll try to find or buy one.
First question, are Tigers metric ?
One suggestion I got was "flush and back flush" I don't understand back
flush ?
I do understand running water through from the radiator end with the heater
The shop manual suggested one of "several" brands of radiator cleaners. Any
suggestions on a modern brand ?
I also see no indication of how full the overflow tank should be. Where do I
fill it
to ?
I've been told water is a better coolant than anitfreeze and since its only
been below 32 degrees here once in 20 years I'll probably go 90/10 mixture.
The car came from Oklahoma and may be running much more antifreeze.
If I still have doubts after this I'll start looking at mods in that TEAE
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