[Tigers] Tiger newbie question

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Tue Aug 5 11:47:20 MDT 2008

Over the years some suppliers have made replacement pieces with the  lip so 
the lip probably isn't an indicator of originality. If a car has had  the pass 
through replaced or repaired..don't panic...it's very common.  If  you get a 
car just be sure to drill a drain hole in the center of  the X  so water can 
run out.  Then it will probably last for the  next 50 years.  In summary, if the 
repair is very well done, there  shouldn't be a problem with it not being 
original unless you are planning on a  $100,000 concours rig.
If you are concerned about rust, I would be looking in the rocker  panels, 
the floor area under the driver's feet and in the wheel  wells.  The pass 
through X's are one of the cheapest things to  repair/replace.

**************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? 
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