[Spridgets] Stan Mason Resignation Group 2 Rep and SMRS Lead

stanbmason at aol.com stanbmason at aol.com
Sat Nov 30 06:17:33 MST 2024

Hello Smidget, Peoples, Spritehites, Lovers and Fatihfull
The following highlight includes my resignation as Sprite Midget Race Series Leader and VSCDA Group 2 Representative:

2024 SMRS Group 2 StanMason Resignation 

(revised rough draft 11/30/24)
   - SMRS Overall - It is hard to believe that for 13 years we have been having great fun on and off the track as the Sprite Midget Race Series.  Before SMRS we would be excited if we had 5 Spridgets racing for the weekend.  In the beginning there was a lot of time spent promoting through magazine article and internet social media.  In my opinion we have grown to a self-sustaining point that is comfortable requiring less promotion.  Our numbers (15 cars registered for Spridget Race) have allowed us to have our own exclusive race at all 3 designated SMRS race weekends.  I have seen other groups try to have their own exclusive races with less success.  Our other emerging strength is a younger group of racers that will continue to keep the SMRS Flag Flying.  
   - SMRS Account – If you have any interest in being a sponsor or have some suggestions of someone that maybe interested, please let me know.  Our treasury is minimal and probably can make it through next year.  I had medals as awards this year to keep costs down.  Please buy our hats, t-shirts and posters to support our supplies and awards.  
   - SMRS Contributors – I appreciate the following that have contributed to our group:
   - Jeff and Janet Carloss for Poster Design and Sale
   - Rick Fisk for compiling results and end of season awards
   - Bob Danielson for the Jim Donato Most Respected Driver Award and updated plaques.
   - Charlie Hall for Gary Kropf Spirit Piston Award and updated plaques
   - Colin and Cana for their contribution of annual sticker / decals
   - Sponsors in our past Erick Zanner, Dave Kessinger and Bob Danielson

4.     Spridget Contributors to VSCDA - We appreciate our group’s unselfish contribution to VSCDAmaking us the largest contributor to VSCDA for volunteering their time andmaking this club continue to thrive for our enjoyment.:

a.     Tom Wilcox Blackhawk EventChairmen.  

b.      Carl Goodwin, Brad & Jeff Carloss for their contributions toScrutineering / Tech Barn

c.       Stacey Donato for her overall running of VSCDA registration andall that she does along with her family. Registration assistance from Sheryl Carloss, Janet Carloss, Jeff and JanFreers and others.

d.     Charlie Hall, Gary Kropf,Roger Heil, John Salisbury & Jim Donato for Drivers Committee.  Gary Kropf initiated the Driver’s CommitteeSummary of actions, which is greatly appreciated and time consuming.  I think measuring something as important assafety is the key to reducing incidents and allowing us to improve.

e.     Doug Bruce forHomologations and Grattan Corner / Paddock Worker Sprite Door Annual Awardselected for the best Grattan worker selected by their peers.  

f.       Jim Donato as VSCDA VicePresident and Event Chair of Healey Challenge at 2024 Road America Weekend
   - Driver Incidents Spridgets and Group 2 – As the VSCDA Group 2 representative I can say that this past year has been one of our worst with mostly SMRS as the problem.  Thanks to all of you that maintain the Vintage Spirit while on the track.  
   - Stan Mason Resignation – I will be no longer continue as the lead for the SMRS and have also resigned as Group 2 Representative, which I have filled for the past 10 plus years.  I will not race next year.  I am in process of restoring a 1958 Elva Sports Racer and taking the lead for the 2025 Elva 70   th Reunion at Put-In-Bay, which will require my focus.  I am hopeful there will be someone willing within our group to carry on the SMRS or whatever name seems appropriate.  I have always believed that having new people at the helm for any group helps grow that group to new heights that may have different direction and vision for an improved Spridget Group.  I am happy to help anyone willing to take on this role and have prepared an overview of the responsibilities that I managed along with SMRS treasury, grilling equipment, past awards and gear.  I am proud of the success we have had, which exceeded my expectations of fun, camaraderie and good wheel to wheel racing, and I know that momentum will continue.
Thanks for all your support throughout the years and Enjoy aSpridgetly Life of Relative Speed!  Happy Holidays!
Stan Mason

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