[Spridgets] VSCDA Group 2 Driver Committee Summary 2024

stanbmason at aol.com stanbmason at aol.com
Mon Nov 25 09:20:26 MST 2024

The following as Group 2 Representative is my analysis of Driver Committee results from the 2024 VSCDA 5 Races.  An attached Word document may be more clear.

Group 2 Drive Committee Summary andOverview 2024

(rev 11/25/24a)


As Group 2 Representative I have reviewed the 2024 DriverCommittee Report.  2024 is the worse yearfor incidents in Group 2 in the 11 years of being a representative, which isdisappointing.  I have specifically analyzedGroup 2 incidents and have the following concerns and observations:


·        Group 2 is 29% of incidents of all race groups(5 plus groups or more during each race weekend) who were in incidentsresulting in contact with other cars or track obstacles.  Sprite and Midgets represent 89% of Group 2incident (we are the problem!).  We dorepresent 50% of the grid in some events, but these numbers are still largerthan what they should be!

o  Gingerman = 50%

o  Blackhawk Farms = 38% (up to 51 cars in session)

o  Grattan = 20%

o  Road America = 10% (up to 70 cars in session)

o  Ozarks = 33%

·        In all the following observations belowinvolving 2 cars it is the responsibility of both drivers to be observant andavoid an accident by either backing off and or yielding to other car.  These are my observations and opinions. TheSMRS Most Respected Driver Award applies to all these conditions and is listedbelow. 



·        Driver too close to other car resulting in tooshort of a reaction time to avoid incident.

o  4 incidents resulting in collisions

o  Corrective action – provide more room andawareness of being alert to possible quick response for things not going asplanned.

·        Driver lost control by overdriving and going offtrack only involving them (I personally don’t feel as concerned with thesesituations since there was no contact with other cars and did not impact others,other than body & mechanical repair to driver’s car)

o  4 incidents resulting in collisions

o  Corrective action - Less aggressive driving andawareness of limit

·        Driver lost control by overdriving and orspinning involving other cars

o  2 incidents resulting in collisions

o  Corrective action - Lead driver causing accidentneeds to reduce aggressiveness and know limit. Second driver needs to anticipate potential condition and be prepared toavoid spinning car.

·        Driver lost control by mechanical issuesresulting in spin and involving other cars

o  1 incident resulting in collisions

o  Corrective action- Lead driver causing accidentneeds to check for car reliability as much as is possible.  Second driver needs to anticipate potentialcondition and be prepared to avoid spinning car.



Jim Donato Most Respected Driver (started in 2016 in honor ofJim’s contribution and example of a great respected driver)

Criteria: Adriver that exemplifies the meaning of a Vintage Sports Car Most Respected   Driver includes:

Predictable (Stayson racing line and points racers by when being passed or when passing.  Makes sure that over taking driver knows theyare about to be passed and allows room and good judgement),

Confident &Observant (Uses mirrors and is aware of others racing nearby)

Respectful(Confirms that their race car is mechanically sound and will not cause othersto be injured from improper maintenance. Can sit down with other competitors and enjoy their company after anysession) 

Objective(open to other’s comments) Drives Defensively (adjusts for conditions safelyregardless of other driver’s interaction).


I would ask everyone in Group 2 to consider your driving asit relates to the above conditions and improve this situation, so we can allenjoy Safe Competitive Racing.

VSCDAGroup 2 Representative

Stan Mason

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