[Spridgets] Unusually Bad Gas Mileage

Kirk Hargreaves khargreaves2 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 13:59:21 MDT 2012

My 59 1275 was in the garage for about a year before I finally got off my
rear end and pulled the lump again to change the clutch and the gear box to
a nice condition rib case. . . rebuilt slave cylinder and master cylinder,
the regular stuff done while I had it apart.

I checked my mileage (now that I also have a working speedo ..  it was not
working for a long time before this last engine pull).

By way of the trip gauge showing mileage on the speedo I burned up 4
gallons over 64 miles of driving.  I also checked the trip gauge by our
other car knowing the distance of a trip to the bus stop park and ride that
my wife takes to work each day. .  .which is nearly an exact mile  from our
house . . so I think that my trip gauge is accurate.

I have been running an OER side draft for the past 8 years.  This is a
Japanese side draft equivalent to an DCOE 45.  It takes all the DCOE
internals.  It also has a float bowl adjustment as well as an accel pump
adjustment.  The carb has run flawlessly over the time I have had it.

I also have a heavy foot.  I like to push the revs and I double clutch from
3rd to second . .  so my driving style would work against getting decent
mileage.  But to burn 4 gallons over 64 miles . . . not something that I
would expect even with the way I like to  drive the car.

Could the fault be due to the 1275 being over carbuerated?  Are there
different internal parts that I should put into the carb so that it more
accurately measures fuel for a stock 1275?  (All stock except for headers).

What gas mileage do 1275's get on the race track?  Probably better than I
am getting for sure?

Any ideas are most welcomed!


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