[Spridgets] Weird clutch issue

David Booker tncarnut1 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 29 10:42:49 MDT 2009

The vacuum suggestions actually sound better than what I was thinking, but if
that doesn't work - how about this: Could there be a broken motor mount that
allows the engine to move and somehow obstruct or affect the hydraulic line? 
Actually on second thought, that wouldn't explain the pedal going down of its
own accord...  Never mind, go with the vacuum thing.
David Booker
'71 Midget
Long Island

--- On Sun, 6/28/09, Frank <spritenut at comcast.net> wrote:

From: Frank <spritenut at comcast.net>
Subject: [Spridgets] Weird clutch issue
To: "Spridgets" <spridgets at autox.team.net>
Date: Sunday, June 28, 2009, 8:21 PM

Not a Sprite but a VW Jetta.
Not try to follow this.......
2003 Jetta, 60,000 miles, the clutch was acting up so the kid put a new slave
cylinder on it.
No change.
It works fine up to 3000 rpms then the clutch slips to where the car will not
move and there is no hydralic pressure on the peddal.
Slow down the revs and the pressure comes back, the car drives fine, shifts
fine until you hit 3000 rpms again and I watched as the clutch pedal went to
the floor just as this happened. It went to the floor all by itself.
Hitler's revenge?
The kid, my son, all his VW buddies, and myself are totally confused.
There was no slipping of the clutch at slow speeds, but what the hell makes
the pressure go away, or should I say what makes the pedal go down all by
It's so bad the car can not be driven unless you you shift at 2900 rpms and it
will go thru all 5 gears but rev it up and zoom zoom whizzzzzzzzzz.

-- Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
My own Fleet of Sprites
You are subscribed as tncarnut1 at yahoo.com



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